If you’re like most people, you aren’t eager to spend time thinking about what would happen if you became unable to direct your own medical care because of illness, an accident, or advanced age. However, if you don’t do at least a little bit of planning — writing down your wishes about the kinds of […]
Day 30
Wrap Up
Yes it’s finally Day 30!
Congratulations! You have just spent the last 30 days getting your crap together, so your Family won’t have to! Your Family will appreciate the fact that you have prepared your end of life wishes and plans, and organized them in a way, that will make their duties tremendously easier and less stressful when the time comes for you to ditch this joint!
Yes, I realize it has been an emotional roller coaster over the past 30 days, but you should feel a HUGE sense of accomplishment knowing that you have take the appropriate steps to Prepare and Protect your Family!
Day 30 is one of the most important days in the process, so keep on truckin!
You are almost there, but there are a few things you still need to do:
- Browse through all pages of the Yup I’m Dead…Now What? Book. Take note, by highlighting or tabbing items that you still need to complete, locate or document. Make a note to do a minimum of one per day, with a goal of getting them wrapped up within 7 days. PUT IT ON THE CALENDAR!!! This will help you stay on track!
- Complete Chapter 1 – Instructions. Chapter 1 is key for your Survivors, as it includes directions for the first few days, weeks and months following your Zombification or Departure. If you become unable to handle your own affairs, the instructions will tell your loved ones what to do and what documents to locate immediately. Check those that are applicable. Every topic has a check box in front of it, so that your Survivors can check off each task when it’s complete. (Do not check the checkbox. This is NOT for you.) You should only indicate Applicable: Yes ___ No____ and any additional notes or other.
- All your work is no good if no one knows it exists. In the first few pages (after my story and before the table of contents) you will find a form to fill out that you can fill out and give to trusted family members or your Executor to make them aware of the Book’s existence.
- Page 1 shows how to reach us. Page 2 is for you to put your name and contact info, as well as the date last updated.
Be sure to update your Book on a regular basis or as things change.
You can have peace of mind knowing that you’ve taken the steps to Prepare and Protect your Family and help alleviate stressful decisions when the time comes for you to “ditch this joint!”
That’s all folks!