Do you have the Book?

If you’re like most people, you aren’t eager to spend time thinking about what would happen if you became unable to direct your own medical care because of illness, an accident, or advanced age. However, if you don’t do at least a little bit of planning — writing down your wishes about the kinds of […]

Your health care directives — including your living will and power of attorney for health care — might be the most important estate planning documents you ever make. Giving your family clear, written direction about your end-of-life wishes can spare them anguish — and make sure you get the kind of care you want. With […]

The 4 legal documents every adult should have One part of being responsible to your family and friends is having the right legal documents in place to protect them if something happens to you. Most people procrastinate doing this because they think it’ll be expensive or time consuming–and, of course, preparing for tragedy isn’t cheery.…

Estate Planning for Young Families

It’s a tough conversation for any parent to have: Do you know what would happen to your kids if you were to pass away? Who would be their primary caretaker? Would they have enough money for necessities, let alone college?

The questions are numerous, and the answers aren’t easy. The topic is so unpleasant that many Americans are avoiding it all together, so much so that a recent survey shows that nearly 64 percent of Americans don’t have a will.

Put yourself in the driver’s seat and avoid leaving decisions about your family up to your local courts by creating a will. Start with these five key questions:

  1. WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF MY CHILD(REN)? This is probably one of the most important questions you will ask yourself when estate planning, and for that reason, it’s often the hardest to answer. Choosing a guardian now can give you peace of mind, knowing that if something were to happen to one or both parents, your children would be raised by a close friend or family member of your choosing.Help narrow down your choice of guardian by considering the following questions:
    • Is the person physically able to care for your kids?
    • Does the person live close? If not, would he or she consider relocation?
    • Are this person’s finances and relationships stable?
    • Will the person give your children the life you want for them?
  2. Do I have Life Insurance? Although there are many benefits of life insurance, one of the greatest benefits is that it can help ensure your children have the financial security necessary to live out their dreams. If you were no longer here to support your children, it can provide funding to pay outstanding debt, maintain your children’s standard of living and even pay for college.Not all life insurance policies are created equal. A financial professional can help you understand different types of insurance and what’s best for your unique needs. A professional can also work with you to choose a beneficiary of the life insurance — which is an especially big decision if you have minor children.
  3. Do I have A Will or Trust? The basic function of every estate plan is to determine who should receive what and when. Creating a legal document that spells out what you want to happen to your belongings takes out unnecessary stress and confusion. If you leave small children behind, a trust can help you specify how and when to pass money and your belongings to your children.If you think that your child’s guardian would automatically be able to use inheritance money to care for your children then you’d likely be wrong. By default, the court — not the guardian — will control the inheritance before the child reaches the legal age of 18 or 21. If you’d like to avoid any confusion as to what your children inherit and when, a trust may be a good choice for you. Within a trust you can decide who will manage the money and decide when the children will receive trust assets and for what purposes.
  4. Who will manage my assets? An average American family may have accumulated assets such as cars, a house, retirement accounts, life insurance and education funds. Making sure your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes after you pass could prove to be difficult and time consuming. Selecting a competent and trusted executor, a person charged with carrying out your last wishes, is key. Often people choose a spouse, an older child or a trusted friend to serve as executor and administer their estate.
  5. Who will make medical and financial decisions if I’m Zombified? Many people think about estate planning in the context of someone dying — but it’s equally important if you’re sick or injured and can’t make decisions for yourself. Having a health care directive and a durable power of attorney for finances will ensure someone can manage your care and finances if you’re not able. Although laws vary from state to state, if you’re married, your spouse would likely be legally able to make important medical decisions on your behalf. To make sure things go smoothly, you should have your attorney draft a health care directive and financial power of attorney and name your surviving spouse or trusted friend or family member as the attorney in fact and health care agent.

You can probably think of a million things you’d rather do than tackle the difficult questions that surround estate planning, but think about the alternative: the court making the decisions for you. Once your plan is in place, it’s a good idea to review and update on a regular basis, especially when major life events or financial changes occur.

Take the Next Step! Get Started!

Got the Book?

You have your choice of two options. Yup I’m Dead…Now What? or Yup I’m Dead…Now What? The Deluxe Edition.

What’s the difference? The Deluxe Edition contains the 30 Day Challenge along with additional forms, resources, shortcuts and tips. The regular version refers to the website to download these items.

  • Amazon is a tad quicker and convenient (if you have prime). I pretty much order everything from Amazon, so why would I not order my books, as well.
  • LuLu Marketplace takes a little longer, but is a few pennies cheaper and offers a convenient coil binding.

Whichever option you choose, you just need to choose one! Don’t delay. This is one of the most important things you can do for your Loved Ones.

Customer Love


My Husband George and I were finally able to get our affairs in order due to your website and Book....




My Husband George and I were finally able to get our affairs in order due to your website and Book. I can't thank you enough. We had talked about it for years and didn't know where to start. We followed The 30 Day Challenge and finished in less than 30 days! Thanks again!


Holy Moly! This Book is just what I needed to get my crap together. My Family is thankful that they...




Holy Moly! This Book is just what I needed to get my crap together. My Family is thankful that they have my documents, plans and final wishes all in one place. Plus, I bought one for My Mother and used your guide to walk her through. Truly an invaluable gift for all!

Anabelle B.

Thank you for helping and nudging me to get my crap together. Love that you provide support and that I...




Thank you for helping and nudging me to get my crap together. Love that you provide support and that I can actually get in contact with you when I have questions.